Digital Ready Artwork
We Have Digital Output Only - Direct to Plate
Please Follow These Guidelines
Programs we use: Adobe Creative Suite - InDesign, Illustrator
Acceptable File Formats: .pdf or .eps
Please provide artwork only: Please send us a file with no perfs, numbers or boxes. (You may include a separate sample version with perfs and numbers to indicate placement.)
Spot-Color Artwork: If specific spot colors are desired in the final output, please send us the artwork with the colors already converted to spot colors.
Bleed: All artwork that extends to the edge of the page must include bleed (see diagram below).
Illustrator or InDesign Files: Flatten all artwork, outline fonts and save as .eps or .pdf
TIF logos: Black & White and CLEAN.
Resolution: 300 DPI minimum
Graphic design: We offer graphic arts services to design artwork at an additional cost.
*Check Proof Carefully. Emailed Artwork may be modified to fit our format. We are not responsible for mistakes after your written approval has been given.